Jumping index: 135
Chin Chin |
Constant |
Cor de la Bryere |
Rantzau |
Quenotte |
Ella |
Colt |
Dorette |
Larese |
Farnese |
Fahnrich |
Annelies |
Cesta |
Sorgenbrecher |
Gangsterin |
Manieta |
Ircolando |
Casimir |
Irco Polo |
Uranea |
Zolanda |
Le mexico |
Olanda |
Anita |
Notaris |
Courville |
Vodea |
Rosita |
Joost |
Merline |
Zapatero’s dam is the ‘Elite and Sport’ mare Manieta. She competed under the name Brugman’s Princess at International level and won the National Championship for 4 year old jumpers. Grand dam Anita received the ‘Prestatie’ predicate through her daughter Brugman’s Princess, her son Orlando who competed at International level and other 1.30m and 1.35m jumpers.
As a 3 year old Zapatero was Reserve Champion at the Stallion inspection and as a 4 year old he was Reserve Champion in the Stallion Competition at 1.10m level. Three years later, Zapatero was a finalist in the Dutch Championship for 7 Years old Jumpers, and 2nd in the finals of the Youngster Tour at Geesteren. He made his first Grand prix with Angelique Hoorn and they placed 4th in the GP’s Roosendaal and Wierden, 5th in the Wolden GP, and 6th in the GP’s of Hoofddorp and Gelddrop. Now he is successful under Jessica Kuerten at international Grand Prix level. Their first start together was a victory in the VHO Trophy. Many great results followed – 6th in the GP Ebreichsdorf, 7th in the Salzburg Championship , 8th in the Oliva GP, 10th in the World Cup Qualifier at Zurich, and 11th in the Basel GP. In addition he was 2nd in the 1.50m stallion GP at ’s Hertogenbosch, 3rd – 1.50m Humlikon, 3rd – 1.45m Assen, 4th – 1.50m Maastricht, 5th – 1.45m La Coruna, 7th – 1.50m Ebreichsdorf, etc.
Zapatero’s offspring have attracted attention in the show ring. They exhibit reflexes, technique, attitude and scope. Das Mooi Man won the Young Jumper Championship for 5 year olds of the Western League, and Dilandra won the Young Jumper Championship for 5 year olds of the Eastern League. Ersiena placed 2nd in the Open North Netherlands free jumping Championship for 4 year olds. Gisela KF was 2nd in the Claybrook Cup of the KWPN-NA. Dyango placed 4th in the Friesian 1.20m Championship and last year he was 5th in the class for 4-year olds at Varsseveld. In 2012 Dohirkeness placed 2nd in the finals of the GMB competition. In Belgium his daughter Donna was Champion of the 4-yr old jumpers. His son, Flying Dream, is a KWPN approved stallion and was Champion of the KWPN 70 days stallion test and at mare shows several of his daughters have easily scored well for the ‘Ster’ and ‘Keur’ predicate.
For more information contact Dr Duncan Prinsloo on 083 462 6158